Name of Scholar | Year | Title Of the Thesis |
Anu Paul | 2010 | Constants of History: A Reading of American Slave Narratives in the Context of Globalization |
Jisha Janardhanan Poovathur | 2013 | Narratives of Power and Performativity: A Study of Cultural Ideals in Select American Graphic Novels |
Sandra Juliet Jose | 2014 | American as Perpetual Traveler: A Study of the Ongoing Project of Building American Consciousness in American Travel Writing |
Christeena T. Jose | 2015 | Poetics of the Vanquished: A Comparative Study on Indian and American Sports Literature |
Sheeji Raphael | 2016 | Psychology of War: A Case Study on the Literature on Falklands War |
List of Research ScholarsSneha Sasidharan2022-05-09T03:54:35+00:00