An Online Panel Discussion on NATIONAL EDUCATION POLICY was organized by the Department of Management Studies on 14th September 2020.

The guest speakers of day was Ambassodor –T.P Srinivasan IFS, Dr. M.C Dileep (Retd V.C of Sanskrit University Kalady) and Dr. M.A Sudhir (Retd Dean of Gandhigram Rural University). The programme was moderated by Mr. Agrim Prakash (SCAS-Alumnus).

Objectives of the Webinar
 Multidisciplinary academic programmes
 Institutional Felibility in curriculam design.
 Global workforce grooming.

The session began by 10.20am with a welcome address delivered by Rev.Dr. Devis Chenginiyadan (Exe. Director-SCAS) and the moderator of the programme was introduced by Asst.Prof. Savio Fernandez (HoD, Department of Management Studies). The first session was handled by T.P Srinivasan IFS on the topic higher education reforms in NEP 2020. The second session was handled by Dr.M.C Dileep on the topic professional education and National reseearch foundation and the last of the day was handled by Dr. M.A Sudhir, on the topic school education and teacher education. After initial talks by the speakers a common discussion was held by which various participants raised questions to all speakers on respective topics. The session was very interactive and critic for a better understanding of the new policy. The webinar was concluded by a formal vote of thanks delivered by Asst. Prof. Seena A.O (Department of Management Studies).

Conduct of Webinar
The invitation for webinar circulated among various social media platforms a week before the session along with Google registration form. 142 participants registered in the event and 55 participants actively attended the webinar. Webinar was hosted in Google meet platform and further communications were done through participants e-mail. The programme was also hosted live in SCAS face book and YouTube pages. After the webinar the participants were issued feedback forms through chat box where by the participants will get e-certificate on submitting the feedback form. In general the feedback mentions that overall conduct and webinar was a grand success and participants assured to participate in future webinars organized by the department.

Published On: September 14th, 2020Categories: BBA Activities, College News

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