Postgraduate Department of computer science in association with IQAC, Organised a Colloquium on “The Connected World-IoT”  by Dr. Manish Kumar Jain. (International Corporate Trainer and Technical Consultant) on 14/06/2021(TIME: 10:30 AM TO 12:30 PM) in collaboration with TECHNOVA

The session was officially inaugurated by Rev.Fr.Dr. Devis Chenginiyadan (Executive Director, SCAS). Dr.Mathew Paul Ukken(Principal, SCAS) delivered Principal’s address. Ms.Sandhya Sharma (HOD, Dept. of CS&IT) introduced the resource person. Dr.Manish Kumar Jain detailed about the importance of Internet of Things in the world and how much it is connected with our day today life. The session was concluded with vote of thanks by Ms.Smera Thomas. (Asst.Professor. Dept. of CS&IT).

Students from first year BCA & B.Sc CS and faculty from our college and other college also have attended the colloquium .More than 125 participants attended the session.

Published On: June 14th, 2021Categories: College News, Computer Science Department Activities, IQAC Activities

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