Cycle Club

The bicycle is the vehicle of all vehicles. The world has forgotten that the bicycle was developed in to the first motorcycle. The bicycle has become a symbol of environmental and physical awareness around the world. The common man’s vehicle, the bicycle, is making a strong comeback, throwing away the urge to travel only on vehicles that are fossilized with carbon imprints at the expense of fossil fuels.

Sahrdaya College of Advanced Studies places one of the most important aspects of its responsible journey in conducting Eco-friendly social interactions. The college has started a cycle club called Eco Wheelers. Fifty students have already started using the cycle to college. It is the policy of Sahrdaya College of Advanced Studies to encourage at least 25% of students to switch to bicycle use in the following years. It is also envisaged that in the future, cycling will be taught to students and teachers who do not know how to ride a bicycle.

The inauguration of the Eco Wheelers, a bicycle club, and the logo release took place on December 23, 2021.