Course Outcome

Course Outcome of Master of Social Work (MSW)


Outline the history of Social work and Social Work education and its place in the context of other related concepts

Explain the philosophical assumptions and values of Social Work and the sources of Social work Philosophy

Apply social work values while working with various client groups

Explain the different perspectives in Social Work and evaluate their relative relevance/applicability in different practice contexts

Describe the basic concepts, methods and functions of Social Work and roles and skills of a professional social worker

Apply the Code of Ethics and describe the attributes of Social Work as a profession

Identify the various fields of Social Work

Describe the important sociological perspectives and theories

Explain the basic concepts in Sociology and Economics

Analyse major social and economic problems

Describe the definition, nature and scope of Psychology

Explain the general concepts in Psychology

Evaluate the theories and principles of development

Examine the life span approach and development through different stages

Explain the concepts of self, self , Self awareness, self concept, self esteem, self image and self acceptance

Demonstrate the various techniques of understanding oneself

Demonstrate the relationship, communication and leadership skills required for social workers

Apply ICT in social work practice

Explain the Legal system in India and the process of making social legislation

Describe Social Legislation as an instrument for Social Control, Social Security, Social change, Social justice and Social Policy

Explain human rights and organizations to protect human rights

Outline the legislations for the protection of children, women, aged and other vulnerable groups and statutory bodies involved in their implementation

Identify the role of Social Workers in the field of Social legislation and Human rights

Engage with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities

Identify both agency and clients as systems and describe the administrative procedures, programme management.

Explain the problems of marginalized individuals, groups and communities

Identify the functioning and programmes of governmental and nongovernmental organizations involved in welfare and developmental activities for vulnerable groups.

Acquire skills in communication – presentation and reporting of observed realities, documentation, writing field work reports and public relation skills


Explain the theoretical framework and core values for the practice of social case work

Assess and diagnose the problems of individuals

Plan intervention for individuals with problems

Develop skills in laisioning, networking and mobilizing resources for the rehabilitation of individuals with problems

Acquire skills for recording and documentation of interventions

Explain the theoretical framework for the practice of Social Group Work

Describe the group work process

Assess and diagnose problems and plan group work for individuals in groups

Analyze the applications of SGW in various settings

Describe the basic concepts of community, community functions and community dynamics

Apply the values of community organization and social action

Explain the process, theoretical framework and models of Community Organisation

Use strategies and skills in community organization and social action

Practice community organization in different contexts

Explain the definition, nature and scope of Social Psychology

Explain the concepts of attitude, social perception and social cognition

Describe the nature, functions and concepts of group

Outline the aspects of social influence, theoretical perspectives and features of prosocial behaviour and aggression

Evaluate the relevance of propaganda and collective behavior

Explain the concept of mental health, mental health issues and Biopsychosocial model of mental health and mental disorders

Explain the concept and process of counselling and its elements

Differentiate counselling from Social Case Work, Guidance and Psychotherapy

Determine the application of theories in counseling

Demonstrate the ability to practice counselling in various settings

Practice Social Case Work

Practice Social Group Work.

Practice Community Organization and other macro level interventions.

Develop skills in reporting, documentation and dissemination.

Identify as a professional social worker and conduct accordingly


Describe the significance and characteristics of social work research

Analyse the process of social work research

Demonstrate the ability to use various quantitative and qualitative research methods

Analyse the meaning of descriptive and inferential statistics

Determine the application of statistical techniques in social work research

Demonstrate the ability to undertake research projects in social sciences and prepare scientific reports

Explain relevant theoretical frame work of project preparation and its various stages

Demonstrate skills in preparation, management and evaluation of development projects

Design and implement participatory training programme

Use participatory training methodologies for social work interventions

Explain the concept of Community health and related terminologies

Describe the concept of health and integrated approach to health in the context of Development

Analyze plans and policies/legislations in health and implications for social work practice

Identify the public health issues and needs facing the country and design social work interventions

Outline the Health Care system in India and its administration pattern

Describe the history and scope of Health Care social Work

Demonstrate the ability to do psycho-social assessment of persons with health issues

Identify the role and functions of social workers in the health care settings.

Determine the application of theories and approaches in health care social work

Identify the ethical practice in healthcare social work

Analyse the condition of rural and tribal communities in India in terms of social and economic development

Analyse the challenges faced by the rural and tribal communities.

Explain the concept, philosophy and principles of Rural Community development and the programmes and services in the governmental and voluntary sector for rural communities

Outline the structure functions and role of PRIs in community development

Identify the scope of social work interventions in rural communities

Explain Classification in Psychiatry

Describe psychiatric interviewing and assessment in Psychiatry

Describe Epidemiology, Clinical Manifestation, treatment and outcome of major psychiatric disorders

Identify the role of psychiatric social worker in psycho social interventions

Practice Psycho Social Interventions and Multidisciplinary team approach in the field of mental health

Apply social work methods in mental health settings

Explain the urban communities and the processes like urbanization and its impact on social conditions

Analyse the challenges faced by urban communities with focus on vulnerable populations

Describe the concept, philosophy and principles of Urban Community development and the programmes and services in the governmental and voluntary sector for urban communities

Identify the structures and institutions for urban governance

Describe the scope of social work interventions in rural communities

Practice Social Work in medical and psychiatric settings / urban and rural communities/family and child welfare settings

Develop skills in observing, analyzing, evaluating and creating innovative social work interventions.

Develop documentation and reporting skills

Identify as a professional social worker and conduct oneself accordingly

Conduct seminars, workshops and training programmes for different client groups


Explain the concepts in administration and administration as a method of Social work

Describe the procedure of registering trust, society, CBO, NGO and NPO.

Outline the social welfare programmes of Ministry of women and child development, Ministry of rural development, Ministry of urban development, Panchayati Raj, Central social welfare board and State social welfare board.

Explain HRM and its process

Describe the concept of organizational behavior and theories of motivation and leadership

Explain the problems in organizations and grievance redressal mechanisms

Explain the concepts-Vulnerability, Exclusion, Marginalisation, At-risk, disadvantaged and Stigmatisation

Describe major issues and vulnerabilities faced by different vulnerable groups

Evaluate the policies and welfare programmes for vulnerable groups in India

Describe the approaches and strategies of social work with them

Apply social work principles, skills and methods in helping vulnerable groups

Explain the concept of psychotherapy and different types of therapies

Describe Cognitive and behaviour therapies, Humanistic and existential therapies and techniques

Explain Family Therapy and techniques of practice used in family therapy

Explain other psychosocial therapies

Explain the role of Yoga and meditation, mindfulness based stress reduction, motivational enhancement therapy in stress reduction

Explain the basic concepts in environment studies.

Identify the policies and approaches and problems in the sustainable management of natural resources

Analyse the environment problems and impact of development initiatives.

Outline the national and international measures to deal with environment issues

Explain the process of disaster management

Practice social work in dealing with environmental problems and in disaster management

Describe the conceptual framework related to marriage and family and characteristics of family life cycle

Identify models of family dynamics and family assessment

Explain the process of family social work

Explain the history, concepts and techniques of family therapy

Practice family therapy in contexts including Family Counselling Centres, Family Courts, Family welfare Clinics, Adoption and Foster Care Agencies, and Family Violence

Explain concepts and theories related to gender

Analyse the status of women with respect to health, education, political participation, representation in media and law and appreciate the gaps therein

Describe gender based violence and measures to combat violence

Analyse gender issues using gender analysis frame woks

Explain the theoretical frame work for feminist social work

Practice social work with women in different contexts using Gender Aware therapy, Feminist counselling, building collectives, education, advocacy and assertiveness training

Practice Social Work methods in specialized settings.

Develop skill in documentation, dissemination and recording of Social Work interventions

Develop innovative models for Social Work interventions

Identify and manage ethical dilemmas while practicing Social Work.

Critical reflection of Social Work practice

Develop independent practice competency to work as professional social worker

Apply critical thinking to inform and communicate professional judgments

Engage in research informed practice and practice informed research

Apply knowledge of human behaviour and the social environment and understand diversity and difference in practice.

Formulate Social Work research proposal

Develop independent practice competency to conduct Social Work research

Apply qualitative and quantitative research methods in Social Work Practice