September 5: September 5th marked an exciting day for the first-semester BA Graphic Design and Animation students at Sahrdaya College of Advanced Studies. The college, known for its commitment to nurturing creative talent, organized a half-day workshop on Multi-Page Publication Design. The workshop, held at Computer Lab 2, was a crucial stepping stone for budding designers, opening doors to the captivating world of multi-page design.

The Power of Multi-Page Design: Multi-page publication design is the backbone of many creative industries, from magazines and brochures to annual reports and books. It plays a pivotal role in conveying information effectively and aesthetically. Understanding the intricacies of this art form is essential for any aspiring graphic designer.

The half-day workshop in Multi-Page Publication Design at Sahrdaya College of Advanced Studies provided a valuable foundation for the first-semester BA Graphic Design and Animation students. It was a glimpse into the exciting and dynamic field of graphic design, where creativity and technical skills combine to create impactful visual communication.

As the workshop came to a close, the students left Computer Lab 2 with newfound knowledge, inspiration, and a passion for multi-page publication design. Their creative journey has just begun, and Sahrdaya College of Advanced Studies is committed to nurturing their talents as they embark on a future filled with endless possibilities in the world of graphic design and animation. This workshop was just the first step towards an exciting and fulfilling career in the world of design.

Published On: September 6th, 2023Categories: Uncategorized

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