Course Outcome


Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to achieve the following outcome.

On completion of the course, the students will be able to

1: Choose effective listening and speaking skills by means of rhetorical functions.

2: Extend reading and writing skills for professional business communication

3: Demonstrate the art of speaking and writing through the appropriate usage of

Grammar and Vocabulary

4: Build communication through the four major skills of language learning.


1.Students gain better awareness about their “self” including their strengths, weaknesses, likes, dislikes, desires, and goals. Developing self-awareness is a prerequisite to effective communication and healthy interpersonal relations.

2.Students maintain open, effective, and professional communication. They consider the viewpoints of others demonstrated through verbal and non-verbal behavior’s. Their speaking skills are enhanced.

3.Students learn to demonstrate appropriate workplace demeanor and behavior. They practice time management skills by setting realistic goals and priorities to meet deadlines.

4.Problem solving skills are also demonstrated in the way students recognize challenges and embrace new approaches to deal with them.

5.Emotional competency is displayed with the way students manage their emotions in order to stay focused at important tasks.

6.Students’ level of self-confidence is improved and they are well prepared to take on any life challenge that may come their way.

7.Students learn to adopt healthy stress coping mechanism to deal with stressful situations in life.

8.Students develop an ability to analyze information and experiences in an objective manner which contribute to wise decision making skills.


At the end of the training:
1.Students will be able to appear various government level examinations both state level and central level
2.Mathematics will be easy for those who are appearing competitive examinations so that they can clear the examinations.


Placement Training enables students the following

  1. Career planning and awareness on employment sectors (Government sector, Corporate and Self Employment)
  2. Clearing all employment screening procedures (Resume making, Group Discussion ,Telephone ,Online and Fact To Face Interview)
  3. Circulation of Employment news and all time training on all procedures.