Course Outcome

Semester I

  • Discuss different schools of management thought
  • Understand apply the concepts of planning, organizing, staffing and controlling for effective management
  • Aware and apply the ethically and socially responsible behavior in Management, and 4. Aware and pursue the modern management practices in business

Semester II

  • Discuss and apply fundamental accounting concepts, principles and conventions
  • Record basic accounting transactions and prepare annual financial statements for a sole proprietorship business
  • Record accounting transactions in respect of hire purchase and instalment system and branches
  • Understand and develop insights and knowledge base of various concepts that driving marketing strategies.
  • Develop skills in organizing for effective marketing and in implementing the market planning process

 Semester III

  • Understand and apply fundamental IndASs on inventories, PPE, provisions, income tax, borrowing cost and intangible assets
  • Prepare annual financial statements for companies and compute accounting ratios.
  • Record accounting transactions in respect of redemption of preference shares and debentures
  • Understand and develop insights and knowledge base of various concepts of finance
  • Develop skills for effective Financial, Investment and Dividend decisions making

Semester IV

  • Understand cost and management accounting concepts and its application for decision making.
  • Aware as to cost consciousness and the various methods and techniques of costing

Semester V

  • Develop insights on various concepts and Functions of Human Resource Management
  • Learn the latest trends in Human Resource Management.
  • Understand and develop insights and knowledge base of various concepts in Research.
  • Develop skills for conducting business research
  • Understand the different concepts of operation Management.
  • Acquire the knowledge to make plans at the operational level of an industry

Semester VI

  • Understand the different concepts of Organisational Behaviour
  • Analyse individual and group behaviour 5. Understand and deal with organisational change, development and stress
  • On completion of the course the students will be able to learn different OR techniques useful in managerial decisions
  • Understand the different concepts of managing a project
  • Analyse the viability of a project.