Sahrdaya Rendezvous

Rendezvous is an international refereed journal published annually (January) under the auspices of the Department of English, Sahrdaya College of Advanced Studies, Kodakara, Kerala, India. The journal publishes original, scholarly, unpublished research papers in English related to literature, arts, history, culture, literary criticism and life of any country. It is the general policy if the journal to allow differences in opinion of individual scholars resisting the generally growing attempts of unification and universalization by  the virtue of majority. We respect boundaries, territories, identities, nations and nationalisms against a tendency to withdraw oneself into the narrow- mindedness of extreme nationalism- social, religious or cultural- that advocate exclusiveness. Interfaces in the subtitle of the journal indicate the reader’s freedom to invent comparisons and relationships between and among the articles published here. Contributors of the articles express their individual ideas and opinions which need not necessarily reflect those of the editors, advisory board or the publisher.