In collaboration with IQAC, Internal Complaints Committee of Sahrdaya College of Advanced Studies organized a webinar on “Understanding Internal Complaints Committee in Work places”, on 27th February 2021. The webinar started at 1.30pm. ICC member Ms. Jayamol P James, Assistant Professor CS & IT College welcomed the gathering. Ex. Director Rev. Fr. Dr. Devis Chenginiyadan inaugurated the webinar. College Vice Principal Dr. Rani M J offered felicitations. The Internal Complaint Committee Presiding officer Dr. Sr. Jessy George introduced the resource person Dr. Joyce Jose, Assistant Professor in Zoology, St. Thomas College, Thrissur.  Dr. Joyce Jose explained the role and duties of the Internal Complaint Committee, which is a statutory body as per the Indian constitution. She also stated that ICC is mandatory in every education institution to prevent harassment-of any forms- against women on campuses. It was a very informative session.   Students and faculty of various departments SCAS participated in the seminar.  The webinar was concluded by 3.05pm. Mrs. Sinimol P J (Secretary, ICC) proposed the vote of thanks.

Published On: February 27th, 2021Categories: College News, Internal Complaints Committee Activities, IQAC Activities

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