The first council meeting of the institution’s innovation council, SCAS for the academic year 2022-23 was conducted on October 28, 2022 at 1.30 p.m. at the college seminar hall. Dr. Devis Chenginiyadan delivered the keynote address. Ms. Parvathy Gr. Menon, President of IIC, SCAS welcomed the new members of the current academic year and briefed about IIC. Principal address was given by Dr. Mathew Paul Ukken, Principal, SCAS. External Experts of IIC, SCAS Mr. Wilson Kandamkulathy, Mr. Ajay Basil Varghese and Mr. Ronald Dias and Vice Principal Dr. K. L. Joy felicitated over the meeting.

Published On: October 28th, 2022Categories: College News, IIC Council Activities

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