Since the 1970s, the rate of plastic production has grown faster than that of any other material. If historic growth trends continue, global production of primary plastic is forecasted to reach 1,100 million tonnes by 2050.These single-use plastic products are everywhere. For many of us, they have become an integral part of our daily lives.Systemic change is needed to stop the flow of plastic waste ending up in the environment.

With all these factors in mind, national service scheme along with the  nature club of Sahrdaya College of Advanced studies duly observe World environment day on 5th June 2023 at 9AM in the central auditorium.

The programme started with a prayer by the college choir, followed by a Holy Scripture reading related to nature by Mr, Joseph MG IBcom Fintech. Thought of the day was presented by Ms Abhirami, IBCom Fintech. Rev. Dr. Devis Chenginiyadan, the Exe. Director SCAS inaugurated the day by handing over the sapling to the college Principal, Dr. Mathew Paul Ukken. During the address he pointed out the drastic usage of plastic among teenagers.


Dr.Mathew Paul Ukken delivered the Environment day message and reminded the students to stay away from use and throw culture. The chief guest was Mr. Premkumar K, well known nature activist and writer as well as the Director of Moozhikulam Sala.He enlightened the students about natural living and the lifestyle that we have to follow to attain SDG by 2030 . The session was highly inspiring and motivating. Vice principal Dr. Joy K L, honoured  the chief guest  . After that, Dr. Rani M J administered the Environment day pledge to the students. Mr Aflah from IMathematics proposed a vote of thanks. Ms Heerakrishna and Ms.Rosalind were also present in the programme. All 2nd semester students and 3rd year BCom BBA students and all PG students participated in the programme.   All 2nd semester students and 3rd year BCom BBA students and all PG students participated in the programme.

Published On: June 5th, 2023Categories: Human Excellence Department Activities

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