We two faculty and two students attended the IIC regional meet at Seminar
Complex,CUSAT Kochi on 16th January 2024. We reached there at 9.45 am and
registered for the event using QR code.After that we took a token for the display of IIC
poster and fixed the poster in the space provided.The innovative and different start up
stalls were done by different colleges and different schools . So till 12 noon we viewed
the different stalls after a refreshment.
Then we moved to the Auditorium for the inaugural session.After a small
entertainment ,the minister for Industries Law and Coir ,K Rajeev inaugurated by
lighting the lamp.At 2.00 pm we had a lunch and two tracks were going on
simultaneously.The track 1 was the felicitation of best IIC posters and stalls and also
presentation by different IIC presidents of different institutions.The track 2 was the
round table discussion about different IIC activities.After 4.30 pm we took a group
photo with all members and had a refreshment and and finally finished the event by
again scanning the qr code.The programme ended at 5.00 pm.


Published On: January 18th, 2024Categories: IIC Council Activities

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