Objectives : 


  • To create the awareness of Indian independence.


  • To proclaim atribute to freedom fighters.


The Independence Day of India, which is celebrated religiously throughout the Country on the 15th of August every year, holds tremendous ground in the list of national days, since it reminds every Indian about the dawn of a new beginning, the beginning of an era of deliverance from the clutches of British colonialism of more than 200 years. It was on 15th August 1947 that India was declared independent from British colonialism, and the reins of control were handed over to the leaders of the Country. India’s gaining of independence was a tryst with destiny, as the struggle for freedom was a long and tiresome one, witnessing the sacrifices of many freedom fighters, who laid down their lives on the line.

On10thAugust2023, Department of Human Excellence conducted various group activities related with Independence Day such as identifying the freedom fighters state wise, different movements in different areas, related quiz etc. for first year UG students. The students were divided into four groups and each group were given different topics for discussion. Team leader presented the discussed points for the rest students, followed by Independence Day quiz. The group members actively participated in the activities and group III come up with high score in the total activities winners were honoured well and congratulated all participants.

Outcome : 

*Created awareness of Indian independence among students.

Published On: August 10th, 2023Categories: College News, Human Excellence Department Activities

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