Internal Quality Assurance Cell organized the second session of Workshop on NAAC RAF Criterion
Overview on 06 March 2021 for teaching and non-teaching staff members of the college, under the
auspices of UGC Paramarsh Scheme of Vimala College (Autonomous), Thrissur. Dr.M.P Rajan, NAAC
Peer Team Member and Accreditation Ambassador of the UGC Paramarsh Scheme was the Resource
Person. The session commenced directly after prayer by Asst.Prof.Betzy Ritha K. Criterion 4, 5, 6 and
7 were discussed in the daylong session. The Workshop which commenced at 10.30 am concluded at
3.15pm, with an active participation of 85 staff members. The Valedictory Ceremony was chaired by
the Rev.Dr.Devis Chenginiyadan, Executive Director and the formal vote of thanks was proposed by
Ms.Sheena Sarah Winny, IQAC Coordinator. E-certificates were provided to the participants who
duly filled in the feedback form.

Published On: March 6th, 2021Categories: College News, IQAC Activities

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