The NSS unit of Sahrdaya College of Advanced Studies continued the survey ‘DISHA’ which was started on 24th September 2021. The NSS volunteers reached the college by 9:30 am 1st October 2021, Friday. The NSS volunteers were divided into groups of 5 and were given instructions about the routes to be covered by 2 Panchayat guides of ward 16. Then covid protocol instructions were given to volunteers by NSS coordinator Mr. Akhil Anto.

The volunteers covered 145 houses and retuned back to college by 1:00 pm. The groups along with NSS Programme Officer had a meeting with Dr. Fr. Devis Chenginiyadan, Executive director. A discussion about the survey and the further proceedings was done. By 4 pm data collected from the survey were sorted by the groups. Finally the sorted data of each group were put together into a presentable format. At 4:30pm all the volunteers dispersed from college. The report will be submitted to the Kodakara Grama Panchayat for the “PLANNING COMISSION 2022- 23”.


Published On: October 1st, 2021Categories: College News, NSS Activities

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