‘Sparklets’ Sahrdaya Alumni Association 2019-20

‘Sparklets’ Sahrdaya Alumni Association 2019-20 held on 14th December 2019, started with formal registration of Alumni from 9.30 am. The Formal meeting started with a prayer by Ms. Aparna, Alumni Vice President. The welcome address was delivered by Mr. Siljo P Antony, Alumni President followed by the Presidential address by Rev. Fr. Dr. Devis Chenginiyadan, Exe Director, SCAS. The guest of honor was Dr. Sr. Lissitta CHF, Founder Principal, SCAS, who inaugurated the meeting by Lamp Lighting followed by the inaugural address. Dr. Jenson P.O., Principal, SCAS delivered a fruitful message to the Alumni and announced the name of the Elected Alumni Association office Bearer for the coming year too. Dr. Rani M.J. Vice Principal SCAS extended a Felicitation, on the significance of alumni reunion for the growth of the institution and the individual. A vote of thanks was given by, Mr. Tinu Antony, Alumni Treasurer.

A multimedia presentation was shown in the background displaying the chronicle journey of the alumni of SCAS from the 2012 batch till the last graduated batch. Vintage photos collected from the college were put together by Mr. Abhijith, Alumni Executive Member. Few of the alumni shared their nostalgia and experience as well as interesting moments of campus life with the audience. A total of 162 alumni members attended the meet. The event concluded with group photographs and selfies.

Published On: December 14th, 2019Categories: Alumni Activities, College News

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