The NSS unit CUSFNSS002 of Sahradya College of Advanced Studies, Kodakara organised a presentation of the Covid Survey “DISHA” taken by the NSS volunteers. The presentation was conducted on April 7th 2022 by two NSS volunteers Miss. Anna Grace Kallada and Miss. Rupasri M. It was held in the Community Hall of Kodakara Panchayat having a large audience consisting of Kodakara Panchayat President Sri. Ambili Soman, members of Kodakara Panchayat, Health Department and Asha workers.

Sri. T. J. Saneesh Kumar Joseph, MLA Chalakudy inaugurating the programme

College officials, Executive director Rev. Fr. Dr. Devis Chenginiyadan , Principal Dr.Mathew Paul Ukken were also present. The Chief Guest of the event was Mr. T. J. Saneesh Kumar Joseph, MLA Chalakudy. In depth conclusion of the survey was explained to the audience and volunteers shared their experience during the survey. MLA, Panchayat President, representatives of Health Department and Asha workers addressed the event.

Survey report presentation by NSS volunteers

NSS volunteers handing over the report to Mr. T. J. Saneesh Kumar Joseph,

MLA Chalakudy

The president has promised to do the needful. The event was concluded with a sincere vote of thanks by NSS Programme Officer Mr. Akhil Anto. 36 First year NSS Volunteers, 23 Second year NSS Volunteers and 3 PG students were present.

Published On: April 7th, 2022Categories: College News, NSS Activities

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