Postgraduate Department of English organized Association Inauguration on 22 September 2021 on Microsoft Teams. The
chief guest was Ms. Susan Joshi, Assistant Professor ,St. Aloysius College, Elthuruth , Thrissur. The event started
with prayer song, and Ms. Sheena Sarah Winny, Assistant.Professor. and Head, delivered the welcome address. The
presidential address was given by Dr. Fr. Devis Chenginiyadan(Executive Director, SCAS )and the message of the
day was conveyed by Dr. Mathew Paul Ukken(Principal,SCAS). It was followed by a poem recitation by Mr. Shyam
Joshy, student of 3rd year B A English. Ms. Mirna Fathma, 2nd year M A English student introduced the
guest. Ms. Susan Joshi presented the keynote address and shared her thoughts on creative writing and
gave light on how to transform ideas into words. Finally, Ms. Sheena Sarah Winny declared name of
Association Secretary as Aishwarya Menon, student of 2nd year B A English who also extended the note
of gratitude.

Published On: September 22nd, 2021Categories: College News, English Department Activities

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