The Phase 1 seminar on Human Rights titled, ‘Equality – A Priority’ was conducted by the Department of Human Excellence in association with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Sahrdaya, for all the PostGraduatestudents, on 17th Feb 2023 from 1.30pm onwards in the Seminar Hall.


The programme started by invoking the Blessings of the Almighty Lord with a silent prayer. Dr Rani M J, Vice-Principal of SCAS, delivered the welcome address by ardently welcoming the chief guests for the day, Shri Manjith T (Sub-judge, Secretary DLSA , Thrissur) and Adv. Sushil V G ( Panel Lawyer, DLSA, Thrissur) and the entire gathering. She also highlighted the importance of the seminar, especially in today’s time.


The welcome address was followed by the inaugural address by Shri Manjith T, who spoke with eloquence regarding the penal codes and system and their formations and needs. He also exhorted the young crowd to be the carriers of the system and to ensure implementation of proper human rights, citing various examples of the High court and Supreme Court cases. He also wished the resource person of the day and thanked the management of Sahrdaya College for their willingness to conduct such a seminar, which he felt was the need of the time.


The official session then concluded with a vote of thanks by the Head of the Department of Human Excellence, Mr Satish Nair, thanking the chief guests for taking the time out of their busy schedules and for highlighting the importance of human rights. He also extolled the management, the entire post graduate students and the internal coordinator, Mr Deepak, for their interest in this particular topic.


Dr Karuna K Nair, IQAC Coordinator, also lauded the efforts made by the entire team and requested the PG level students to further take up this seminar to greater heights by passing on the knowledge and nuances of Human rights to the under graduate level students too, as part of the Teacher- Student initiative and ensure that the knowledge gets assimilated to them.


The seminar then began with the resource person for the day, Adv.Sushil V G, taking the stage. He went on to explain the various forms of human rights, focusing on certain areas like Right to life and liberty, Right to freedom of speech and expression and, last but not  least, the Right to work and education. The sessions were interspersed with real-life examples and incidents, along with lots of anecdotes, which kept the seminar lively. The result was the seminar turning vibrant with students being totally engrossed. During the interaction section, many students participated and had their doubts cleared about the various aspects of human rights.  Adv Sushil shared many- real-life incidents and anecdotes on the topic and kept the audience totally engrossed.


The session ended with a Memento Presentation to the Resource person by Vice Principal, Dr Joy K L with a promise to further conduct such vibrant sessions for the rest of the UG students based on various topics like drug abuse and ragging. The programme was wonderfully compered by Ms Elizabeth of MA English.

Published On: February 24th, 2023Categories: College News, Human Excellence Department Activities, IQAC Activities

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