The Faculty Development Program held on January 6 2024 focused on the critical theme of “Research Informatics” with a specific emphasis on cultivating a robust reference culture and enhancing the quality of research output. The program aimed to equip faculty members with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the evolving landscape of research methodologies and information management.

The session started with the commencement of the faculty development program with a prayer song, followed by the lamp-lighting ceremony with around 80 participants. The dignitaries on the stage were Rev. Dr. Devis Chenginiyadan, Executive Director; Dr. Mathew Paul Ukken, Principal; Dr. Rani M. J., Vice Principal; Dr. Joy K. L., Vice Principal; Dr. Fr. John Neelankavil CMI, Librarian & Faculty, DVK Pontifical Athenaeum; Fr. Anto Vattoly., Finance Officer; and Dr. Karuna K., IQAC Coordinator. Dr. Mathew Paul Ukken gave the introductory speech, and eventually our Executive Director, Rev. Dr. Devis Chenginiyadan, welcomed all the faculty members by giving an insight on the importance of the session and the resource persons’ competencies and experiences in the field of technology.

The one-day Faculty Development Programme on “Research Informatics – Fostering Reference Culture and Quality Research Output” aimed to equip faculty members with essential skills and knowledge to enhance the research culture within the academic institution. Dr. Fr. John Neelankavil gave an insight on research informatics through establishing a strong foundation for reference culture and encouraging each and everyone to practice different tools and techniques to create a content, finally improving knowledge on the strategies for a quality research output. The session broke for lunch and all the faculty members had a scrumptious lunch.


The goal of the one-day Faculty Development Program on “Research Informatics – Fostering Reference Culture and Quality Research Output” was to provide academic staff members with the necessary information and abilities to improve the research culture in our workplaces. Dr. Fr. John Neelankavil provided insight into research informatics by laying a solid basis for reference culture and enjoining everyone to use various tools and methods for content creation. This was achieved with hands-on training for all faculty members in the IT lab. Through the technical session he made sure that each of us enhanced our understanding of the methods necessary to produce high-quality study results.


The Faculty Development Program on Research Informatics proved to be highly beneficial, as evidenced by increased awareness and application of reference culture principles among the faculty. Participants demonstrated enhanced proficiency in utilizing digital tools to manage research information, resulting in a positive impact on the overall quality of research output. Our Executive Director Dr. Fr. Devis Chenginiyadan presented Dr. John Neelankavil a momento as a token of our appreciation. Dr. Swapna C Kombath gave the vote of thanks and concluded the faculty development program. The session came to an end by 4:00 p.m. with a word of gratitude to the management for their unwavering support and commitment to fostering an environment of professional development.



Published On: January 6th, 2024Categories: College News, Human Excellence Department Activities

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