Date: 15/08/2022

As a part of India’s 75th Anniversary of Independence Day celebration the NSS volunteers of Sahrdaya College of Advanced Studies, Kodakara conducted a rally jointly organized by the Kodakara Panchayat .The rally started from Govt. L.P School, Kodakara to Kodakra Community Hall. Ms. Sreelakshmi N. R, Assistant Programme Officer guided the volunteers.

Kodakara Panchayat President Sri. Ambili Soman delivered the Presidential Address. Chief Minister’s Police Medal winner, Kodakara Circle Inspector, Mr. Jayesh Balan inaugurated the programme. The panchayat members were also present in the programme. Our college NSS unit won the prize for Independence Day rally. A total of 45 NSS volunteers participated in the programme.

Published On: August 15th, 2022Categories: College News, NSS Activities

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