The 2 nd Year BA English students undertook an Industrial Visit on 18th March, 2024 to a nearby hill-station Nelliyampathy to foster their creative and critical skills as well as to nurture human values.
The students along with their class animator Ms. Metty Joby visited the scenic hill station as well as the tea gardens accompanied by 2 nd year BSc Chemistry and Physics students too.
They started at 7.30 am reaching Nelliyampathy at 10 am. The IV aimed to instill in the students, camaraderie as well as the values of caring, sharing, meeting challenges, confronting difficulties and adjusting with others. The academic objective being creativity
and critical thinking made the students and teacher indulge in sharing about one’s thoughts and discussing about English Literary critics and literature. In order to gauge the journalistic competencies acquired by the students, a Newsprint report based on the IV undertaken was prepared.
Thus, the Industrial Visit was an extension of the activities at college where the English students have Journalism as their complementary course and boosted their curricular activities. The students thoroughly enjoyed the different experience which imbibed in them human values and led them to academic, creative and critical pursuits.

Published On: March 18th, 2024Categories: College News, English Department Activities

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