Western Eastern Language Department conducted an enriching and interesting international Webinar on Exchange about German and Indian Culture on 2nd September 2023 at 3.30pm.

There were 8 German Participants and  76 participants including students and Faculties from Sahrdaya College of Advanced Studies in Kodakara. German student  Hanna Philip, explained the school system of Germany and her psychology study in German university and possibility of the Job. Frederik Kupka, another German student, narrated the Possible studies of Science subjects and the Qualification of getting admission in Science subjects: Physics, chemistry and Biology in German universities. Melvin Pott, German citizen well explained the practical and possibilities of professional studies. He marked elaborately his own study and practical field to become a Police officer. The other participants of Germany, Mrs Elke Hannibal Pott gave a very good narration of German Culture in its variety of food, festivals and geographical and political nature of Germany etc. Mrs Nadine Wacub mentioned the importance of the German family system, the primary education in the school and houses  and  different kind of benefits from the German government to the families etc. Mr Franz Josef Böhm delivered a short description of Agriculture. He well discussed the production of energy from agriculture and its maximum utilization.

Our SCAS students prepared an enormous and beautiful PowerPoint presentation of Indian Culture from the various perspective in its different manner. Third semester student Hiba coordinated the entire Seminar and she did it in an excellent manner. Indian students like Siva Kumar, Jesvin and Christos explained diversity of Indian heritage and culture, Arts, festivals, Indian and Kerala dishes, Ayurveda medicine and Therapies etc. Ann Maria thanked all the participants in the webinar. She conveyed a special thanks to German guests in German language. It was a rare occasion to our German language students to interact with the German people. All of our students excited with  the style of German language and the possibilities of higher studies in Germany. In over all view of the Webinar was a new horizon for our Western Eastern Language Department.


Published On: September 3rd, 2023Categories: College News, Western & Eastern Language Department Activities

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