Our college Tri monthly newsletter, ”Laureola” volume 13 edition,Issue-18 was launched online mode in our college website on 16 th December 2022. The whole work of Laureola was done by the Postgraduate department of Computer Science. Laureola imprints the convocation 2022, NSS Women Cell and all the activities conducted by the various departments of sahrdaya college of advance studies from March 2022 to May 2022.

The committee behind the laureola :

Chief Editor : Mr Renjith M. Asst Professor, Computer Science& CTO

Sub Editor : Ms.Jaymol P.James Asst Professor, Computer Science

Facuklty Coordinators: Ms.Sharoon Joy C ,Asst Professor, Computer Science

Ms.Neethu Sivan, Asst Professor, Computer Science

Faculty Advisor : Ms.Sandhya Sarma, Asst Professor, Computer Science, HoD

Background Support : Mr.Destil Davis, System Administrator

Mr.Vaisakk K, System Administrator

Published On: February 6th, 2023Categories: Computer Science Department Activities

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