IIC in collaboration with IQAC  conducted  “My Story -Motivation session “on  29/11/2023. The programm was started at 11am with a prayer. Welcome speech was delivered by Assistant professor  Nimitha P (IIC president). The principal of our Institution gave the presidential address. Dr Joy K L(Vice Principal) and Dr Karuna K Nair(IQAC Co-ordinator) felicitated the gathering .The third year student Neha Biju gave the vote of thanks.One of our student representative introduced the resource person and she gave a motivation session for 1.30hours.The speaker was Ms. Anu Joseph (Entrepreneur,Casaro Creamery).She is the only Cheese manufacturer in kerala and a lady cheese maker in South India. She was supplying cheese to all star hotels and exporting to different areas.She explained her life story first as a biomedical engineer and then as Java developer in the software field.After marriage she went to US and she started to make cheese for daily usage.Then returning to India she decided to start a unit behind her kitchen and later it become a established company.


Published On: November 30th, 2023Categories: IIC Council Activities

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