On Thursday 19th January 2023, students of First year BCA along with two faculty members visited POPE JOHN PAUL PEACE HOME & POPE PAUL MERCY HOME at Peringandoor, Athani, Thrissur.42 students from first year BCA were accompanied by 2 faculty co-coordinators Ms. Neethu Sivan and Ms. Sharon Joy C.

POP PAUL PEACE HOME a home for incurable people is a social and charitable institution run by the Archdiocese of Trichur. The director of the institution is Fr. Seby Kavalakkat. There are nearly 50 inmates in the institution.

POP PAUL MERCY HOME is a non-profitable educational Institution for the Differently Abled which is run by the Archdiocese of Trichur with Fr. Johnson Anthikatt as its director. There are 307 students who required special education.

We started the journey at   from college at 9.45 am and reached there at 11.00 am. The students engaged them with various activities, we also met the caretaker. While  interacting with the caretaker, we got to know the history of the orphanage and school how it was established.

The student volunteers handed over some financial contribution as a token of love which was collected from the students and staff of the Computer Science Department for this noble cause of the caretaker.

The team spent two hours with the inmates of Pope Paul peace home and one hour with the students of Pope Paul Mercy Home and returned back at 2.45 pm.

Published On: January 20th, 2023Categories: Computer Science Department Activities

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