The Physics association “SOALCE 2K23” was officially inaugurated by Dr. Santhosh M V (Assistant Professor, SCMS School of Engineering and Sciences, Karukutty) on October 26, 2023. The head of the department Prof. K. P. Chandrasekharan welcomed the gathering and Dr. Mathew Paul Ukken (Principal, SCAS) delivered the presidential address. Ms. Esmi Davis (Asst. Professor, Dept. of Physics, SCAS) presented the report on yearly activities. Dr. Rani M J (Vice Principal, SCAS) administered the oath for newly elected association office bearers. Finance officer Rev. Fr. Anto Vattoly gave felicitations for the program. The program concluded with vote of thanks by Mr. Vasudevan M V (Asst. Prof. & Program co-ordinator). Following the inauguration, Chief guest Dr. Santhosh M V delivered a talk on the topic “SOLAR CELLS: The quest for alternate energy resources”.

Published On: November 5th, 2023Categories: Physics Department Achievements, Physics Department Activities

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