A Reading day Competition was conducted by the Department of Human Excellence and IQAC in two days. On the Day 1, a seminar was held on the topic “Enriching Reading Activity” conducted by Mr. Suresh Kumar Pillai in the Seminar Hall. The Executive Director Rev. Dr. Devis Chenginiyadan, Principal Dr. Mathew Paul Ukken, Vice Principal Dr. Rani M. J. and Dr. K. L. Joy were presented in the programme.

The programme was hosted by Mr. Niranjan (III CMA US). The welcome speech was given by Principal Dr. Mathew Paul Ukken and HOD Mr. Satish Nair addressed the chief guest.

Mr. Suresh Kumar Pillai, Head Kerala Cluster Sales and Distribution- The Hindu, addressed the students and started off the seminar. He started off with the formation of The Hindu newspaper and how it achieved this success. He told the students about the importance of reading newspaper and how to read the newspaper effectively. He made the session interactive by gifting the students with chocolates who responded to the questions. The seminar ended up at 3.45 pm and HOD Mr . Satish Nair said the vote of thanks.

On the Day 2, the fun filled activities associated with the Reading week were conducted. The selected students from each class were asked to assemble in the Seminar Hall at 1.15 pm and the competition started at 1.30 pm. There were a total of 24 teams. The first round was Tongue twister and 12 teams were short listed for the second round. The second round name was “Word Magix”. The round was to test the memory of the students. After the second round, 6 teams were shortlisted for the third round. The third round was “Guess the Song”. The English Translation of famous Malayalam songs were given and the students were asked to identify. The winner was obvious after the third round but there was a tie for the second and the third place. Therefore, there was a Tie Breaker round which was a logical Question. Hence, the second and the third place were fixed. The winners of the competition were Shiva and Mohammed Ufoor ( III Psycology), the second place Midhun and Aleena (III BCA), the third place Kevin and Sidhu (III ACCA).

Hence the programme came to a conclusion. It was evident that the students really enjoyed the programme. Vote of thanks was rendered by the HOD Mr. Satish Nair.

Published On: June 24th, 2023Categories: College News, Human Excellence Department Activities

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