As part of reading week on 21 th June 2023 from 11.15 am to 1.00 pm Western Eastern  Language
department conducted reading competition in five languages. Total 83 students
registered for the competition, out of which 68 students participated. Due to the
immense support from language teachers and students the competition was a huge
Hindi : Ist Prize Arya M.S – III yr Physics
IInd Prize Maneesha T.R-Ist yr BBA
Tamil : 1st Prize Praveemol Iyr BCom
English : Ist Prize Aparna K.J Ist yr Maths
IInd Prize Athul s Ist ACCA B
German : Ist Prize Angel Maria III yr chemistry
IInd Prize Arathy R.P- I yr. ACCA-A
French : Ist Prize Neha Biju IIIyr BAEnglish
IInd Prize Juliana Johnson Ist yr Psychology

Published On: June 22nd, 2023Categories: Western & Eastern Language Department Activities

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