• To provide an opportunity to the differently-abled students to showcase their talents.
  • To inculcate the essence of fraternity, values, and ethics towards marginalized community


The Department of Human Excellence organized a community activity, SAMAAVESH 2K23, on order to inclusively involve differently-abled children with the students, on 18th december 2023,  along with the college student council. Each year on December 3rd, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities promotes the rights and well-being of differently-abled.The day raises awareness of the political,economic, social, and cultural aspects of disability affected people around the world. The majority of people with single or multiple impairments lead to poor health, lower educational achievements,fewer economic opportunities, and a higher level of poverty.Social stigma towards these people causes them to live in isolation. So many interventions and remedial actions were taken to change these scenarios. Even though the situation is continuing.



Sahrdaya always raises her hand to fight against such social discrimination.Our institution wanted to bring intellectually and mentally impaired children to our students to spend a day with them.

At first, HED and Student Council selected student volunteers for the same purpose and divided them into different committees, on 18th of 2023, SCAS warmly welcomed the differently-abled students and staff of Cyrene School in Vellikulangara. Student volunteers accompanied them on a walk around the campus and directed them to the canteen, where we arranged lunch for them. After lunch everybody assembled in the SCAS Central Auditorium, where we had already arranged some group games for them. This was followed by the official programme and cultural event.

Samaavesh 2k23 officially started with a prayer by the college choir. Principal Dr. Mathew Paul Ukken  extended a warm welcome to all. Rev. Exe. Director, Dr. Devis Chenginiyadan inaugurated the event. Rev. Sr, Navya, CHF delivered a beautiful Christmas message. Dr.Rani M J and Dr. K L Joy  Vice Principals of SCAS, and Rev.Fr. Anto Vattoly was felicitated for the program. SCAS chairperson, Ms. Seyuna Ali proposed a vote of thanks to all, followed by a cultural programme. They were able to showcase their abilities in front of our welcoming audience. Students from SCAS also participated in the cultural events. All of them were given gifts contributed by the students. A stall with its handmade products by Cyrenes was the highlight of the day. The event Samaavesh came to an end with the national anthem at 3:45 pm.




  • Students were able to understand the true potential of differently-abled people.
  • It is realized that they are not the people to be stigmatized but to be included in all spheres of life.
Published On: December 18th, 2023Categories: College News, Human Excellence Department Activities

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