
Along with the impeccable and immaculate attention to academic excellence, the college allocates equal importance to co and extra-curricular activities that hone the budding talents of the students. El Dorado is the annual cultural fiesta celebrating the remarkable talents of the students. The intra-college arts fest focuses on encouraging the students to exhibit their inherent talents in the arena of arts and culture. The two-day fiesta entails an impressive array of literary and cultural programs and competitions and is a true amalgamation of the Sapthasadassu which includes Chuvadu, Swaram, Natyam, Roopam, Aksharam, Niram, and Dhrushyam.

The Sapthasadassu is a unique initiative of the college that channels the inherent artistic talents of the students into the seven entities or Sadassu. It is a confluence of pure artistry which provides the students an opportunity to unleash their talents. The College provides ample opportunities to develop talents in different forms of art. In addition to the activities of the Fine Arts, students are encouraged to participate in competitions held outside the campus. The college has marked its indelible representation in the University Arts fests. Banking on a tenacious performance over the past years, Sahrdaya College of Advanced Studies, Kodakara, never miss to take a clear lead in the Calicut University- D Zone Arts Festivals. The college then goes on to further its calibre in the South zone – Inter-university Arts Fest and National Arts Fests in which the students stay steadfast with flying colours.

Sahrdaya College of Advanced Studies conducts weekly Friday programmes during the lunch break wherein students conduct programmes as part of the seven sadassus. Each day would comprise of one or two sadassu events.