Department of Chemistry together with Geology and Physics  departments ,conducted a workshop for school students in connection with National Science Day on 4th March 2024. Around 45 students from Govt LP school Kodakara attended the programme.The programme started  at 1.30pm at seminar hall and welcome address was done by Dr Joy K L ( Vice Principal &HOD of Chemistry). The event was inaugurated by Rev.Dr.Devis Chenginiyadan(Executive Director,SCAS) and Dr Mathew Paul Ukken gave the message. The felicitation was done by Dr Rani M J (Vice Principal) and Miss Dainy M K (HM GLPS Kodakara) .The vote of thanks was done by Prof.Chandrasekharan(HOD Physics).After that they were taken into science labs and demonstrated different experiments.The certificates were also distributed.


Published On: March 4th, 2024Categories: Chemistry Department Activities, College News

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