The seminar on Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology was held on February 19th , 2024 at  10 am  at Seminar Hal by  Dr.Faizal B. Assistant Professor,School of Artificial Intelligence, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam and Technical Assistant for NVIDIA A100 Tensor Core) Mr.Renjith M. welcomed the gathering,Rev  Dr. Devis Chenginiyadan Executive director delivered the presidential address.Dr.Mathew Paul Ukken  Principal Dr. Rani M J Vice Principal addressed the students of 2022 batch BCA,BSc CS & BSc IT .

It aimed to shed light on the revolutionary concepts of cryptocurrency and blockchain, discussing their potential applications, benefits, challenges, and future prospects. The seminar drew attendees from various backgrounds, including finance, technology, academia, and government sectors.The seminar commenced with an overview of cryptocurrency, emphasizing its decentralized nature, cryptographic security, and the underlying blockchain technology. The speaker delved into the history of cryptocurrencies, highlighting the emergence of Bitcoin and its impact on the financial landscape.

Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology provided valuable insights into two of the most disruptive innovations of the 21st century. By exploring their underlying principles, applications, regulatory challenges, and future prospects, the seminar fostered a deeper understanding of how cryptocurrency and blockchain technology are reshaping the global economy and society at large. As we navigate this rapidly evolving landscape, continued dialogue, collaboration, and innovation will be essential to harnessing the full potential of these transformative technologies.

The seminar featured interactive sessions where attendees could pose questions to the speakers and engage in discussions on specific topics. Networking opportunities were also provided, allowing participants to connect with industry experts, researchers, and like-minded individuals passionate about cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.



Published On: February 19th, 2024Categories: Computer Science Department Activities

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