On 6th October 2023 Student Management Forum  of P.G department of Commerce in association with IQAC organised a talk series and interview session with the chief guest C A Alex Abraham  Vice President Exl Services Ltd Info park Ernakulam. The session started with a prayer followed by welcome speech by Ms Neethu Nazar Assistant Professor CIMA Coordinator .Rev.Dr. Devis Chenginiyadan Executive Director presided the session. Dr.Mathew Paul Ukken Principal Scas delivered principals message. Prof V J  Thomas Dean of Commerce and Management studies honoured the guest. The office bearers of Student Management forum was elected in the session and they were given badges for their post.

Ms Angel of IInd year B.Com finance CMA US was elected as President and Mr Austin of I year B.Com finance as Vice President. Formal Interview was at 12 noon and it was lead by Mr Austin I B.com Finance CMA US

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