The Department of Mathematics, SCAS, observed the National Statistics Day, TILASTOT 2022, on June 30, 2022 at 9.30 a.m. As part of this, the department organized a workshop on the topic Testing of Hypothesis by Dr. Jenson P. O., former principal of SCAS. The participants of the session were I year B.Sc. CS, Mathematics and Psychology students and final year B.Sc. Mathematics students. The programme started with a prayer song by Lakshmi Priya of V semester B.Sc. Mathematics. Dr. Sheeba M. B., HOD of the Department of Mathematics welcomed the gathering. Executive director, Rev. Dr. Devis Chenginiyadan, delivered the Presidential Address and Dr. Mathew Paul Ukken, Principal gave the Principal Address. Dr. Rani M. J. and Dr. K. L. Joy, Vice Principals of SCAS, felicitated over the meeting. After the official meeting, Dr. Jenson P. O., guest of the day delivered the talk on “Testing of Hypothesis”. He started with the importance of the National Statistics Day and then he detailed the esmitation techniques, how the testing is done, level of significance, critical points and also 2 problems regarding the testing. The meeting concluded at 11.05 a.m. with an official vote of thanks by Selin Freya of II semester B.Sc. Mathematics.

Published On: June 30th, 2022Categories: Mathematics Department Activities

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