“Tintern Abbey” in Images

(Student-centric Learning Method)

05 DECEMBER 2023


On 05 December 2023, the students of I year MA English were given a classroom task to recapture the description given by William Wordsworth in his poem “Tintern Abbey”, in images. The poem is prescribed in first semester MA English core course ENG1C02 British Literature: 19th century. Amritha Wilson and Afreena KR presented their perspective in pencil drawing which were promptly displayed on the class notice board. The two students were then given the task of explaining the images to either a student or teacher who is not familiar with Wordsworth’s poems. Assistant Professor Sheena TR of PG Department of Commerce invested her time to listen to the students. This student-centric learning method helped to enhance the learning experience of the students of the class. Assistant Professor Sheena Sarah Winny was the facilitator of the activity.

Published On: December 5th, 2023Categories: College News, English Department Activities

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