Sahrdaya College of Advanced Studies Celebrated Women’s Day on 8th March with a theme ” Choose to Challenge”. Our resource person Adv. Varsha Palliyil enlightened the students with the knowledge about “Women Safety and Laws”. Our students arranged some cultural activities. The Vice Principal Dr. Rani M J addressed the crowd highlighting the history and importance of women’s day. Mr.Shyam Joshy from 1st BA English felicitated the programme. Our resource person Adv. Varsha palliyil enlightened the students with the knowledge about “Women Safety and Laws”. In addition to that, our students arranged some cultural activities. During the feedback session, students interacted with the resource person and she very well addressed the doubts of the students. Ms. Rosalind Manjooran, joint coordinator of WDC proposed a vote of thanks to the dignitaries and audience

Published On: March 8th, 2021Categories: College News, Women Development Cell Activities

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