One Day Intercollege Workshop on Social Science Research Methodology

Department of Social Work in association with IQAC organised one day Intercollge workshop on Social Science Research Methodolgy on 5th September 2023 at Seminar Hall, Sahrdaya College of Advanced Studies, Kodakara. Ms. Anu Mohan, Senior Research Fellow, Manipal Academy of Higher Education was the Resource person for the Programme.  Rev Dr. Fr. Devis Chengniyadan Inagurated the workshop and  Dr. Mathew Paul Ukken Principal, SCAS addressed the gathering with a message on Research Methdology. Dr. Rani M J, Dr. Joy K L, Vice-Principal Honoured the Resource person with momento.

Philosophical paradigms, steps in research process, Basic concepts in social science research, levels of Measurements and desighning a Research proposal were discussed during the workshop. Around 60 students were participated in the workshop.

Published On: September 5th, 2023Categories: Social work activities

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