Under Graduate Courses

Post Graduate Courses



Why take this course?

This course offers fantastic choices for literature lovers who want to train in journalism – you might study magical realism while learning elements of editorial design, or write news and feature stories while reading literature of war.

We aim to help you become an ethical and reflective journalist, with workplace experience and significant knowledge of another subject.

What will I experience?

A Geologist can join ONGC, GAIL, IOCL, and other multinational companies like Schlumberger and RIO TINTO or can join the mother of Geological organization. The Geological Survey of India (GSI) as a cadre one officer. The Researchers can join CSIR institutions like NGRI (Hyderabad), NIO-Goa, WIHG, BSIP, Atomic Mineral Division (AMD).

  • Put your skills into practice in our fully equipped newsroom
  • Benefit from studying under expert journalists with experience working on international, national, regional and online publications
  • Undertake a formal ten-day journalism-based work placement as part of your study, with further placement opportunities encouraged throughout your degree.
  • Spend a ‘sandwich’ year in industry

What opportunities might it lead to?

Graduates have a good record of finding employment and the focus on our journalism course is on making you employable as a graduate journalist. Our excellent links with the industry ensure your work placements – whether formal or informal – will challenge and inspire you. In addition, you will have the opportunity to sit the National Council for the Training of Journalists’ industry-standard exams. Gaining these qualifications will significantly enhance your career prospects since they are considered vital by many journalism employers.

Here are some routes our graduates have pursued:

  • editing magazines
  • working on fashion blogs
  • new media
  • public relations
  • further academic study