Under Graduate Courses

Post Graduate Courses



Master of Social Work is a post-graduation programme of 2 years duration. As a practice based profession, the programme enhances the skills and knowledge of students in social work methods such as social case work, social group work, community organization and social work research. The programme curriculum consists of rural camp, Concurrent and Block Fieldwork.  The department offers two specializations in Medical & Psychiatric Social Work and Rural & Urban Community Development.

Scope for Higher Studies

Various universities and institutions across the country offer PhD, and M.Phil. programme as per their specialization.

Career Opportunities

After completing Masters of Social work, students can work in various settings like mental health, family, child and women welfare, pain and palliative care, De-addiction, correctional settings, Schools, Health care Centers, Rehabilitation, Community Development projects, industrial relations and labor welfare. Some of the Job roles of Social work professions are:

  • Medical Social Worker

  • Psychiatric Social Worker

  • Oncology Social Worker

  • Case Worker

  • Research Assistant

  • Project Coordinator

  • Welfare Officer

  • Probation Officer

  • Child Development Project Officer (CDPO)

  • Integrated Child Development Services Scheme (ICDS)

  • Investment Banker
  • Academicians

  • Counsellors